Sunday, February 22, 2009

Afrocentric "All Occasion: Card

I ordered some stamps that one of the ladies mentioned on the Cricut MB. I was really excited to get these stamps because though I had seen the images before... I never knew they were sold as stamps. I only used one of the images....but think that I will be using a lot more now that I know where to get African/afrocentric/African American images. Thanks again BlackDiamond .........


Treva said...

As usual your cards are beautiful. A scrapbook room to die for and a great blog.

Anonymous said...

Great cards and stamp. I hope you post more of those stamps.

Heather Bares said...

beautiful cards!

Anonymous said...

I've been a lurker on your blog for some time now. I love, love your stuff! Thanks so much for including the link for the ethnic stamps. I've been trying to find something like that for quite a while. I haven't even looked at your scraproom yet. I know I'll turn green with envy because mine is like a going out of business sale at a scrapstore!

BTW, I'm also in Maryland. Do you attend any organized crops?


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